I started watching it just to pass some time and became riveted. The phrase “You gotta be shitting me” kept going through my mind.
I started watching it just to pass some time and became riveted. The phrase “You gotta be shitting me” kept going through my mind.
Only in the hellscape that is the United States as brought to you by the ghouls at the Federalist Society would we be having legitimate court battles on whether or not states can prevent doctors from performing abortions when lives are at risk. The judge in Texas who wrote about “the welfare of unborn children” must…
There are no requirements. You can have comics that come together in a book, an illustrated book that was never a comic, or even a book with illustrations in it. It can be long. It can be short. No Minimum. No Maximum. It can be terribly illustrated or can be wondrous to behold.
I get ya, though.
Honestly my husky all weather mats. The factory oem subaru ones are a joke (came with the car I didnt buy em).
“It took me 32 years to build my reputation, and less than two hours to destroy it,” he sniffed.
This is the problem with knee jerk refusal to believe racism exists without an explicit n-word or pointed white hood. Right wingers no doubt took the original story with the mocking Juneteenth signs and KFC and thought “what’s racist about that? they’re just celebrating or making fun of Juneteenth! It’s not about…
I know if anyone can fuck up a sure thing it’s the Dems LOL, but...I don’t see how the GQP’s aggressive, almost sadistic contempt for the rights of women, homosexuals, trans people, etc. will help them win midterms. This is still the same country that elected t***p 6 years ago and I’m sure they have some illegal…
You buried the most important bit. It was their own attorney who said at the press conference “I *challenge* you... members of the press... look into their backgrounds... find anything they’ve done in their lives... their fifty plus years lives... that’s racist.” 25 minutes later, her secret racist twitter account…
Socially, we’ve made “being a racist” worse than doing racist things. So people turn around and do a bunch of racist shit, then follow it up with “I’m not a racist.”
so, do rich people get a stupidity shot after they reach a certain amount of hoarded money? What reasonable person would go out of their way to bring attention to themselves, expose their own racist tweets, then say they aren’t racist and that they’re a budding comedian or some shit, then say they can’t be racist…
Following that moment, Nicosia and her husband were under the fire of cancel culture.
Tire upgrades, whether performance tires or winter tires, they are the most important item between you and the road.
Rain-X. The stuff works, even use it on my side mirrors.
Weather Tech floor mats. Keeps all the crud and grime out of the floor. Take them out, spray down with tire cleaner, hose off, dry, and they’re back to looking like new in about 5 minutes of work. No damp carpeting in the vehicle, no mold, no mildew. Yes, they cost a bit more, but totally worth it.