Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

He needs to stay away from social media.

When you’re already working in high-stress conditions under low morale it can be very demoralizing to have your company’s mouthpiece dunk on the kinds of projects you’ve spent countless hours working on.

Right, like, if they had done NOTHING, most of the employees would have gone ‘fucking assholes’, and then went back to work. It would have upped the counter of ‘reasons I fucking hate execs’ from 390482304832430 to 390482304832431. They’re not there cuz they love EA. They’re there cuz it’s a paycheck and they have the

Can the world collectively get the fuck off of Twitter already? I’ve never even used the platform and I have to read about it DAILY from every corner of the goddamn internet.

The Georgia Snake is a real 1992 Mustang Cobra Convertible promotional vehicle and not just some botched together LX with GT body pieces and Cobra badges and wheels.

If 2022 has taught me anything it's that I have a limitless capacity for rage.


Seconded, specifically your commentary about his portrayal of Mr Jewell. Fantastic performance and I’ve been on the lookout for any and all roles he plays since.

I’m genuinely shocked that a company as big and profitable as EA would choose to outsource their socials to a third-party marketing firm, especially one that seems to be lacking in industry knowledge... but then again we’re talking about corporates willing to sacrifice their product to save a penny. We’re talking

The last movie was shit (Jay and Slient bob reboot) but this actual looks fun. I’m looking forward to this. 

Ditto to Hauser turning into “that guy” whose work I’ll always want to see. He’s terrific (and creepy) here.

I find Japanese whiskey to be somewhere between Scotch and bourbon in its flavor, among the Japanese whiskeys I’ve tried. I favor Scotch, but would pick a bottle of Suntory Toki over JW Black every day.

Why. The fuck. Is Biden cutting deals with Mitch McConnell? McConnell won’t hold up any end of any bargain to begin with if it doesn’t suit him to do so.

Joe Biden does not want to protect abortion rights. He didn’t spend the first 75+ years with a deeply held, religion-based moral opposition to abortion only to turn around and put a ton of effort and energy into protecting abortion rights. That’s why this deal makes sense to Biden—if you’re hostile to abortion rights

Yeah. How.

They’re probably NOT posting the photo of the scrawny loser shooter wearing a TR*MP flag as a superhero cape. You know, the one that’s all over his social media pages.

I once commented to a bartender that he had the entire range up on the shelf. He said “we do, and they are priced NOT to sell.”

It’s not that hard to try regular Pappy’s if you really want to - there are multiple bars by me that have it and sell single pours for $80-100+. Obviously not something you’re going to order always but if you’re curious, it’s doable for one-time.

Pappy is overpriced based on mystique - it’s a Buffalo Trace product, so that comes with the territory.  You can do better.

Probably not as bad as most but here’s the one I always think about:

I was looking to purchase a Golf R in 2019. One dealership had a markup and wasn’t willing to negotiate so I setup an appointment at another for a test drive. When I arrived, the SA gave me a speech about how they are sallaried and don’t push