I’m certain he’d repeal the 13th, given the chance.
I’m certain he’d repeal the 13th, given the chance.
Alito has always been a pushy narrative driven twat whose been simmering on boil but was basically told to STFU by his betters. I mean shit, that opinion alone should spell that the fuck out.
What sickens me most about this is not just the rights lost today, but the writing on the wall for so many rights that will fall like dominoes after this one. When the court can decide we don’t have rights to make decisions about our bodies, consider how far-reaching the implications of that are. Gender-affirming…
What? No love for Jonathan Kite?
yep.. I played 10 minutes.. watched a video by Paul T.. and un-installed...
Not the devs, the management.
Whales like him are the biggest reason these p2w crap games exist.
Honda ATC is a crash machine. I know a Hoarder who still has his, who went over the handlebars on a gravel road with predicable results to his face
Disney is just spinning its wheels and mining SW for all its worth, with no regard for story, characters, continuity, or writing.
Lol, it’s funny how our resident contrarian “the left are the real baddies” troll changes their name every five minutes to try and avoid being recognised but their self-worth is so tied to having their comments viewable on a site they repeatedly preach to hate (yet spend their life on) that they won’t ditch the kinja…
I thought this ruling was about concealed carry permits, not open carry. No?
Live image of Warner Bros. casting department:
Kavanaugh went out of his way to publish a concurrence (joined by Roberts) saying background checks and registration requirements are still legal and legitimate.
You’re right, that is a reason, so good counterpoint. That said, while their facade is increasingly slipping, they still like to at least pretend to cloak their decisions with rationales, so they’ll take incremental steps on stuff like this.
I suspect that tomorrow, or next week at the latest, that facade will tear…
Watch some GOP nutter shoot up a polling station which is crowded because the GOP limited mail in voting. Meanwhile, the SCOTUS justices ain’t got to worry about any of that in their big guns-banned stone castle.
Isn’t the point of concealed carry to keep it concealed?
Looked at the wife and the first thing that came out of her mouth was ‘Look on the bright side, at least now there will be an easier way for single women to find the tiny dicked guys with a glance.’
I see no reason at all to expect that they won’t get to that soon enough.
Always has been. He’s Scalia without the intellectual fig leaf.
Also, Alito seems to be a total wingnut.