Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

It still holds weight too. Barry was one of those guys you both sympathized with and feared for because of his anxiety caused outbursts. The poor guy was going through hell with those sisters.....Christ, I don’t blame him for being as he was.  And then he finally got a ray of hope and you really REALLY want him to

I remember they had to get an entirely new set of supporting castmates after a season one time. I believe they said they wanted to get some good quirky characters but I honestly think they realized that the two main leads were outshining the rest of the cast with their personalities a little too well.

I watched for a time. It was really good in that it was a slow roll of a friendship of two like minded individuals to romance and more despite them both agreeing to maintain this professional relationship at the beginning. 

He was the right hand man of Lonnegan who tried to switch the decks at the poker game with Paul Newman. And kept getting the over the shoulder eye from Paul as he looked at his cards:

“Hey, these rich people need to have their self congratulatory victory laps and are gonna be like, super pissed being interrupted and reminded about icky poo outside wars and genocides somewhere. Ew.”

Literary deep pull

Look, we do need better and could have better is the sway of party wasn’t the power pullers. Remember we got stuck with Hillary because the DNC decided way before Bernie was rolling that it was going to be that way thanks to the email leak. Dipshit Donnie Trump was a joke prior to 2016 and simply got the RNC behind

I used to work near the headquarters in Lake Forest and they used the closest Del Taco as their occasional test kitchen. The fun thing is they would occasionally be testing out stuff and hand one over to you to see if you liked it if you visited there for lunch.

I am personally shocked they haven’t caught him sliding down a wire from a clock tower in some kind of ‘weather experiment’ with one of his cars one stormy night.

That stuff is spooned gold.   I used the Roast Beef along with some beef stock while I was making fajitas and needed to sweat my veggies....Dear god, it made the fajitas taste amazing with the carne asada

I like the J-Lo sizing up her next catch take with Brady as well. Ben is apparently well aware.

May I interest you in a beverage?

Rick Brattin....looking every part of the fucking standard of a dumb motherfucker who thinks this way. Put that dipshit in a lineup and say ‘which of these incels creeped you out on the quad?’ and every finger would point at this assbeef.

Hilariously original and acidly funny. I think the best compliment I could give him is that I would wish Mojo Nixon to be the on the scene neighbor who the local news channel interviews after my crimes have been exposed and the manhunt is on.

Oh absolutely, she is his new favorite toadie and has been the megaphone to all his whims....she is totally going for the VP spot.

Maher revealed that he had conducted a two-hour interview with West for his “Club Random” podcast, but would never air the episode due to his guest’s virulent anti-Jewish rhetoric.