Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

Yea, I don’t have real beef with Schiff. He does his job and seems to be ok fielding slings and arrows from MAGA flock with no issues. I personally like Porter’s moving and shaking the old pillars and her no nonsense approach with calling bullshit - we frankly need more of it.

Bingo. She been on the ‘grey’ money influence train for focus and put the white board squarely on the Twins and their ilk as a main thorn in the ass of any progress because it threatens their bottom lines.

Same. I like her stances but Schiff has been plugging along with chewing on Garvey’s ass in his commercials and putting the main focus on Steve lapdogging for Trump.

Pretty much. It makes fun of all the tropes, enjoys mercilessly taking the piss of its target audience, and its mindless shooting shit fun and hasnt changed one bit since its beginnings. I mean hell, they made a freaking gun in it with great stats that most players would drool over.....with one catch in that it would

Look, we do need better and could have better is the sway of party wasn’t the power pullers. Remember we got stuck with Hillary because the DNC decided way before Bernie was rolling that it was going to be that way thanks to the email leak. Dipshit Donnie Trump was a joke prior to 2016 and simply got the RNC behind

I used to work near the headquarters in Lake Forest and they used the closest Del Taco as their occasional test kitchen. The fun thing is they would occasionally be testing out stuff and hand one over to you to see if you liked it if you visited there for lunch.

I am personally shocked they haven’t caught him sliding down a wire from a clock tower in some kind of ‘weather experiment’ with one of his cars one stormy night.

That stuff is spooned gold.   I used the Roast Beef along with some beef stock while I was making fajitas and needed to sweat my veggies....Dear god, it made the fajitas taste amazing with the carne asada

I like the J-Lo sizing up her next catch take with Brady as well. Ben is apparently well aware.

May I interest you in a beverage?

Rick Brattin....looking every part of the fucking standard of a dumb motherfucker who thinks this way. Put that dipshit in a lineup and say ‘which of these incels creeped you out on the quad?’ and every finger would point at this assbeef.

Hilariously original and acidly funny. I think the best compliment I could give him is that I would wish Mojo Nixon to be the on the scene neighbor who the local news channel interviews after my crimes have been exposed and the manhunt is on.

Oh absolutely, she is his new favorite toadie and has been the megaphone to all his whims....she is totally going for the VP spot.

Osiris, a sci-fi film from director William Kaufman following a “team of Special Forces commandos in the middle of an operation when they’re abducted by a mysterious spacecraft. When they wake up aboard the ship, they quickly discover they are being hunted by a merciless alien race.

Maher revealed that he had conducted a two-hour interview with West for his “Club Random” podcast, but would never air the episode due to his guest’s virulent anti-Jewish rhetoric.

Boggles the god damned mind. Why would you think your hot takes in deference to everyone (and hell...fucking sanity) would be the thing needed? I mean shit, I would be blaming everything in my power from a weekend binge of hard alcohol to mixing nyquil and dayquil to try to smooth over.

Don’t shit where you eat, Gina.   You would have thought the warnings would have stopped you from continuing but nope, you had to be a dumbass.