Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

Malort: A liquid Gypsy Curse that’s been bottled?

Speaking as a refugee from ‘The Natural State”....color me unsurprised.

I caught some of his hot takes on shit on various Fox News talking heads.

Yea not exactly the slam dunk she wants it to be.

It’s with shenanigans such as this that makes me just look at 2024 with a seething dread usually reserved for an oncoming tornado filled with nothing but sharks and John Tesh albums...

Kanye West’s latest feud might just be with a hotel.

Between the corduroy and that acid wash number he was sporting a few weeks back, I am almost positive his brother is playing a prank by throwing out his clothes and leaving him these getups in his locker.

Between him and the saga of Brett “Mississippi is my favorite ATM” Favre, someone needs to test the plumbing in Green Bay for lead or something because something is turning them into dingdong assholes.

Its really fucking weird as I remember the day Aaron showed up and how well the country at large received him....he had this genial affable quality about him and people generally liked him. Especially after the whole Brett ‘will he retire or won’t he’ bullshit-a-thon.

My problem with Flash is it really did a disservice to the Flash mythos especially from the comics point of view. The scarlet speedster is this larger than life everyman. And his powers are amazing in the frameset of a guy who is a pretty wholesome boyscout and a little bit of a goofball who canat can rival Superman

Elsewhere in Umansky’s story, he’s seen dancing to “Jive Talkin’” by the Bee Gees in a flannel shirt. Again, divorced-guy bullshit.

Was about to say....don’t the laws specifically state he can’t skate on that court damages if he declares bankruptcy?

As a life long Cali guy, allow me to say. “Its good but it ain’t 8 hours good”.

Now playing

If you watch any of the ‘Favorite moments of the Letterman staff’ on Youtube a good lot of them mention when Darlene was in the house and singing. They said the entire studio was pulled into the spirit whether they wanted to go or not and it was a blast to see them go off.

The ‘communications error’ was getting caught you dink....and idiotic considering people are tired of this bullshit with other influencers/tiktokers/youtubers and are now checking receipts because shockingly, we don’t trust you as far as we can bowl you.

Uggh god.....that fuckin cringefest.

I am waiting for the inevitable break with one of them standing up in the crowd and finally shouts “You need to shut up because we know better than you.” Probably in a nasally, Karen whine.


I dropped into some old episodes of The Rockford Files and was surprised on how well they held up.