Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo
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It’s been a slice folks! Like it or not, I met some real wits here - IMissSplinter, Cheshire, SamBankman, Cashmere Rebel, The Thugnificent Pangaen, Barada_nikto_byotch, nopenopenopenopenopenope, Ron Swanson of Westoros, Ugh., The Ghost of James Madison’s Rage Boner (I salute you for historical and scatalogical

The curse of Spanfeller.....its getting tough for us snarky assholes without money nowadays.

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You have to be made of stone to not cry -

My real problem is none of them had the spine to call out Trump due to abject fear.  The only one who got close was Viv on the call out on the party....and he is a douchebag by proxy so it won’t go anywhere.

Seriously, the day Jez (or ANY online site) is my main tipping points for who I vote for is the day I plant my flag, declare myself the Duke of Orange County, and start ordering people to do my bidding.

Yea had my parents crow about this and the first thing I asked them was ‘how many polls have you answered in the last year....and if you give me a number, what were they?’

Anyone with an inkling of New York society or real estate knew the guy was an utter clownshoe. Hell, every contractor in the city and the surrounding state wouldn’t touch a property of his (and his shell companies) with a 10 foot cattle prod because he NEVER paid. There are lawyer firms that won’t even let him through

Just seeing Homer finally lose it and decide to just go nuts beating the shit outta everything in the past in utter frustration is a place where we can all sympathize.

Absolutely sounds like his song and dance.

Every picture and video of that douche.

Sony for the monitors - And yea they were huge enough to warrant people to call and cover them up. The funny thing was the way the color was used on the logo it showed up as a contrasting color in a tv image so it really stood out. Sony said it was completely by accident but probably not. him ham the fuck up, not allowing anything to be done and trying to get mistrials declared and extend the trials to hopefully be able to pardon himself out when he becomes President.

Sherman, set the Wayback Machine to Jan 24, 1995 and the OJ Simpson trial....

I remember Dave commenting on it in Vulture Magazine on the show on the anniversary and it stuck with me:

Personally, I am waiting for the 68 Comeback Special:

I just finished I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead: The Dirty Life and Times of Warren Zevon by his ex-wife Crystal and man, that guy was a true diamond in the rough. I thought he was amazing before I read it but this puts it in a new perspective - Dude was a unflinching, brilliant human with enough raw talent to encompass a

Highly underrated.   Dude was as tight as fuck.

Man, Gates of Steel was my jam as a kid. People liked their other stuff on Freedom of Choice but this was my essential Devo.

They will either kill each other and have a hatefuck session.

Yea....we aren’t exactly talking about a fast breaking news story here. Hell, the they probably include the list of shell companies and where to stuff your *cough*....extra contributions FAQ in the welcome basket with the scented soaps for the new constituents.