She and her fucking Dad have been bought and paid for by chicken plants of Arkansas for decades.
She and her fucking Dad have been bought and paid for by chicken plants of Arkansas for decades.
In fact, zero Republicans sponsor the PRO Act.
Oh they didn’t bone? How shocking
she reportedly diagnosed two women NBC spoke with as having “control addictions”
From a few stories I have heard from some people who I trust....Chase can be funny and seems to be ok to hang around with sometimes. But its a certain kind of funny that he uses that is 1) woefully out of date and 2) not reciprocated from him. I have heard its a ‘needling funny’ or a ‘sorta bullyish funny’. If a…
Budokhan is bar none, probably one of the best live albums out there. You really get the energy from it and man, its infectious. Those girls loved that band and the band were having a blast (I dare you to watch their videos of that performance and not get a smile on your face - its real kismet of the boys in their…
God help him if the breakup is less than amicable. The Swifties may burn him at the stake....and no, not in effigy. She seems like a nice person but keerist, her fans are fucking scary sometimes.
The Fett is quickly becoming my go to for hilarious snark takedowns. Him and his team are absolute masters of gutting the soft underbelly.
I told Lucy Dacus that ‘Boygenius’ had inspired me and George to start a new band called ‘Girlretard.’ I don’t really hear from her that often.
Couldn’t this constitute under the Stand Your Ground law?
Well I for one can’t wait for him to ascend to his throne of lies....whoops uh <checks notes> ‘news empire’.
Ken Starr - He was a dyed in the wool hypocrite of the highest caliber up to the day he died.
Kimmy, Khloe, and Odell? Together in a room?
Enter exhibit A. Say Hi all!
Dude, if they can give me a balanced budget, better infrastructure, and an upgraded energy grid....I don’t care if they come dressed in chaps with no pants, flaming nipple pasties, and tube socks on their dicks. Hell, they can do a Rockettes kickline while the Star Spangled Banner plays on C-Span for all it matters.