Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

“Patches of my name for a shirt? What the fuck do you think I am, some fucking moron from Pep-Boys? EMBROIDERY....BIG EMBROIDERY, you fucking peasant!”

Congrats....they discovered tapas.

And I, for one, am getting fucking tired of it. It’s about time to start punishing the enablers just as much as the guilty and ignore the whole ‘I didn’t know what was going on’ horseshit.

I picture that withering gaze I like to imagine you giving the hypocrisy we make fun of being thrown his way and he folding like Superman on laundry day.

The Federalist Society: We can dish it out but man, we can’t take it flung back at us.

Someone told me he looks like a open take out box from a Chinese restaurant and I can’t not see it now.

I may have moved Poltergeist up a few notches simply because of bias but it really hit and hit well. It was a damn scary movie and it was in the middle of a summer absolutely packed to the gills with now classics which says something.

Now playing

Don’t be surprised if Mr. Funny Man winds up on the short end of an errant whip pass.

You should see the amount of checks and triple checks required to do normal refi if it occurs in Florida nowadays. The wife says the place is awash in fraud and it her bosses do onlye the absolute safest of loans with good reason. She wouldn’t want to touch anything related to doing business in the state nowadays

Harsh criticism from a woman about family values and bullshit who voluntarily latched on to a dude who trolls and has trolled for young stuff, repeatedly.

Last time I checked, cussing out a cop works both ways for a lot of the scrubheaded mirror shaded thugs as well black or white. A metric ton of them don’t like anyone who doesn’t kowtow to them or hell, look them in the eye.

I see your lobster and raise you fondue.

I have.....reservations.

Pretty much....they are depending on his name to somehow split voters. Hilarious considering that the majority of people haven’t thought of them as the ‘Kennedy Dynasty’ for fucking nearly 40 years. Hell the median voting age would probably go ‘who?’ when asked about him.

You and me both. I wouldn’t piss on this guy if he was on fire.

He isn’t a genius by any stretch....but he took a good idea and an his lack of ethics and packaged it up nice and tidy to look good while doing a shit ton of bad.

I bet he has that a rotating stench of spray on tan, cheeseburger farts, and rotting old person smell that seems to take over and he wants to rub it all over people.

May I suggest

Please correct at the subhead