You gonna front the money Jimmy cause I certainly don’t have that kind of scratch right now, what with me frittering it away on such unneeded pipe dreams like ‘food’, ‘electricity’, and ‘mortgage’.
You gonna front the money Jimmy cause I certainly don’t have that kind of scratch right now, what with me frittering it away on such unneeded pipe dreams like ‘food’, ‘electricity’, and ‘mortgage’.
Seems plausible....god knows some of the painkillers out there seem to walk a very fine line of pain management and ‘Oopsie - holy shit, OD and death.’
It certainly doesn’t mean that some places on earth are going to set record lows.
I guess you can count the freshly sliced thumb rinds now included as extra protein for free.
Of all the people to get moist over....Don Jr? The dude is shaped like a mini cello version of his dad and is as stupid - Eric still takes the gold standard of duh on that front though.
They are either going to start a gunfight in the halls or have some kind of trashy ass, pent-up Skinemax girly make out session on the floor that will finally give the Turtle the stroke we all wished for.
Look I was drunk and hot......
Still one of best off the cuff kills ever.
But instead of trying to fix things, we’ve made a sport out of smashing the pieces.
Picking and choosing quotes rather than understanding the context and history. They do the same shit with the Constitution.
5 bucks you get one of the idiots responding to you like you directly pointed at him and said ‘This is the guy I am talking about’. I get at least 1 to 2 on callouts almost verbatim with amateurish insults and dismissal.
Never said they were.....they just used their beliefs and words to justify their means and results to kill millions.
Indeed. I never had a bad word to say about the guy. I didn’t really like Wham! and thought it to bubble gum for my tastes but I will say, the man knew some real style when he went solo and he frontloaded his videos with some of the most beautiful women at the time looking especially I paid attention to…
Got to wonder about these guys.
Christ.....take my star and be thoroughly ashamed of how much thought you put into that...
Always liked Ridgely. Seem to be a rather charming bloke who knew when he struck gold and when to get out of the way. Seemingly absolutely no ego on the dude. And he was a good friend to Michael and tried to be there for him when he could - I also like that he shunned publicity and would never talk about Michael’s…
You should see the lathering of all the Log Cabin Republicans have managed to roll out in the last week.
Struck the personal nerve so tightly you went with the ‘nerd living in mom’s basement’ insult kill? Oh, straight to the quick with that rapier wit! Wow, I am personally touched you managed to haul out and dust off that ol hackneyed chestnut. It’s like using the heirloom china.
Flip the script:
That was the weirdest fucking part of that saga. When I heard that, I thought it was a fucking joke. Nope....totally on the level.