Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

Spez has been particularly egregious and petty for decades.  This isn’t news.

Avoid the big names, go watch some new talent.

You ever want to watch hypocrisy in action, try to hit a small southern town with several Baptist Churches and maybe 1 other denomination within the limits.

Now playing

Anton Chigurh is literally lifted out of the book and into the movie. The funny thing was that Cormac didn’t really have a nationality or even a real idea of who or what Anton was. He simply thought ‘it was a cool name’

Hahaha! Brilliant.

Should have just responded to MTG’s song and dance with her own summation -

It was a delicious cheesy B movie. Treat seemed to enjoy eating scenery and overall a fun horror flick with a lot of gore and comedic parts. One of those get stoned with a bunch of friends and laugh through it types.

Spez being a myopic twat who takes things personally? Working as intended.  This is right on brand with Huffman. He has been a douchebag since Reddit’s infancy and still is....look at all the big controversies over the years with them and you can bet he has had a hand somewhere in it.

GOP and weird little brand bans go hand in hand. Remember shit like ‘Freedom Fries’, Dixie Chicks, Starbucks and Merry Christmas?

I’ve watched a handful of these and they range from wince worthy to not too bad all in all. There were a few guys out there that were pretty damn close to the look but not the talent and some that were talented but hilariously not even close.

Someone once said that Doug is kinda a automotive version of Huell Howser and man has that stuck with me watching some of his crap.

My guess, Spez is being a douche and playing ‘I am gonna take my ball and go home.’

2 drunk shitheads flailing around trying to fight? Sharp as Day

Dude’s been double speaking the hate for decades even before his show. Unsurprising the little weasel isn’t diverting from that path.

Think Hooters but all the waitresses were strapped and the walls were crammed with gun nut jargon. Basically for those people that have a kink of love of weaponry to the point of possibly getting a bit....uh....moist about calibers and shit.