Christ, I threw up a little in my mouth at the picture.
Christ, I threw up a little in my mouth at the picture.
I am still trying to figure out exactly what was lost. Did Dems lose something specific to the debate because the only thing I have seen is Repubs refusing to even answer anything related to it. They don’t answer why people needs them, they don’t answer anything in regards to the shootings, they don’t answer....SHIT.
That high pitched whine you hear is Edward R Murrow reaching rocket velocities while spinning in his fucking grave.
Here is hoping they include Janice’s weird thing about constantly being the last person talking when they all speak at once and winding up wildly off tangent talking about nudism for some reason. her head getting larger?
Here is hoping for the standard ‘loppin off the ‘eads of those that wrong the Monarch’ at the top of the tower (Anyone seen Boris Johnson or Liz Truss for the past year - I am just sayin) with the passing of the King or maybe a proclamation to ‘take back the colonies’ in a crazy Shakespearean curveball?
And to have the backbone to call them on it. I had one try to throw a ‘medical paper’ at me in defense of not getting a vax when I asked for proof as to why.
I am Jack’s Complete Lack of Surprise.
Her fans stay as fans. I still got Hounds of Love on permanent rotation since I discovered it back in the 90's. The woman is a genius and way ahead of her time.
Christ, having to be around that douchebag everyday sounds like the 7th ring of hell. You got to wonder where the line is drawn to have to fucking see assholes like that and know you have knowingly attached you wagon to be publically seen as the wife of it.
I suspect this isn’t the end of it either. This guys sounds like he left a trail of slime wherever he went and there are probably mountains of egregious full on racism, sexism, misogyny, etc. etc.
Scalia likes to talk big and be this ‘big man looking down on people’ but he is a total jellyfish when it comes to direct confrontation, so he obeyed.
We took the Bloomin Onion and measured its ability to give you a coronary and then said ‘are we ignoring those looking for an early grave faster?’ So we tacked on a 6000 calorie rocket pack to it and tried again. After we killed 3 people who were just by passing by it, we put it on the menu! Strap in fatass and hold…
Antonin Scalia called it way back in 2000 when he was supposedly was muzzling Alito for being a fringe lunatic who would probably meltdown the entire Supreme Court with his stupidity.
God damn is Fran Drescher aging gracefully. She looks wonderful.
Man I hate douchebags like this. These were the type to think it was funny to make fun of their spouses in front of them in a public place too back when I did security for bars. Mean drunks with no filter.