Patrick Daniel

Asshole, you don’t get to rewrite history. Retroactively absolving yourself of any responsibility may make you feel better, and if it helps you sleep at night, MORE POWER TO YOU. You may feel your comment was “mildly snarky” but that is your own self-serving opinion, and no one else is under any obligation to indulge

No, I characterize you starting shit as starting shit. And I’m the sensitive one? Remind me which one of us has been whining like a fucking child about being bullied and pantomiming a giant victim act the last two weeks. Pretty sure it wasn’t me. And yes, we are on the AV Club, and if you can’t handle being called out

I called you out on your trolling bullshit and you began your long “oh poor me why is this horridsome brute abusing me so” song and dance rather than back up anything you said. You want to be “snarky” you need to be prepared to back it up. Don’t let your mouth write checks your ass can’t cash.

You did read them? Ok, then on what fucking planet is 12:21 ten minutes after 12:19, you massive fucking moron? So now we’ve established you’re either incapable of telling time and basic math, or just a bad fucking liar.

Timestamps on the posts you incredible dumbass.

Wow, were you literally hitting refresh every thirty seconds waiting for my reply, you fucking maniac? And why the question mark in the first sentence, are you not sure of yourself, or did your GED class not do punctuation yet?

Dude, it wasn’t a funny joke the first time you tried it. I know beating a dead horse is kinda your thing, but this is getting tiresome. They say perseveration is an early sign of paranoid schizophrenia. And your weird fixation on me isn’t healthy either.

Oh sugarpie did I make you mad? You’re clearly fuming with rage. I’m surprised your hands were able to even type this out, so shaking with indignation you clearly were in these venom-dripped words so loaded with malice and hatred.

Oh princess, again with the projection. How can written words be “red in the face”? And how is one sentence, “Skyler fucked Ted Beneke for attention” a tirade? It’s funny you found so many words to describe my mental state, but you’re attaching so much emotional emphasis to another person’s words that just aren’t

Dude, thank you for sharing about the pissing problem. I’ve had EXACTLY this problem my entire life, and I’m 42. Nothing has ever helped. I’m resolved to waking up 3-5 times a night to pee. My husband actually bought me a chamber pot, so I get to empty a full bowl of rancid urine every morning. But the occasional

Dude I was a manager in women’s clothing at a Macy’s. If I had a nickel for every shit found in a changing room...

1. No one who isn’t an incel or a 13 year old girl starts any written missive with lol

“Did it to get back at Walt.” Like, to piss him off, GETTING HIS ATTENTION? Swing and a miss, dumbass.

Illegal shift?

Wow, the stink of desperation is getting strong, puddin’. ANOTHER “I know you are but what am I” pivoting to a couple of strawmen making me a sexist. Skyler fucked Ted Beneke for attention. DEAL WITH IT.

So played and unoriginal you felt the need to reply at 1:00 AM to show how unaffected and unimpressed you were. Actions speak louder than words. Methinks the incel doth protest too much.

I confess it’s not in my top ten even for today, but it’s still miles better than anything your semen and Mountain Dew Code Red encrusted keyboard has ever cranked out.

I know, having seen your limited vocabulary and range of opinions, that all those giant words with multiple syllables must have been very frustrating and confusing, but just show that to an adult and they’ll explain to you just why you’ve been barking up the wrong tree and why it’s a good thing you’re so frightfully

Yeah, one of us is having a good time making fun observations about the other’s lame-ass comments while the other has used the same three adjectives, “deranged” “unhinged” “lunatic” over and over, insisting that written words are somehow “screaming” at them. There’s a term for that. It’s called gaslighting. It has

An application your parents filled out and put in front of you to sign when you were 17 or 18, after at least 4 years of indoctrination of “IF YOU DON’T GO TO THIS SUPER GREAT COLLEGE YOU WILL BE A FAILURE AND DESTITUTE.”