
I have seen this pattern, as I've casually dated some guys who were in poly relationships. They didn't really pay any attention to their primary partner or take care of their needs because. . .being poly means they can do anything I want, I guess. One of the guys I dated was seeing so many different people that his

"It's hard to argue with nonmonogamy when the science is so clearly laid out for you."

I need to hear more of these stories because I really struggle to be patient when I call for help when my internet's out and have to go through 10 minutes of "OK, so is it plugged in? And by plugged in, I mean is there a cord sticking out of it that you are 100% sure is attached to a hole in the wall?"

It is worth mentioning that there are two Lakota writers on the show. And I think people also miss that she looks white because of white ancestry on her father's side, and decided to play it up. In that sense, casting a Native American to play her wouldn't really have made sense, unless they could find someone with

Two boy-related ones:

I have also found that talking to a therapist is just SO different from talking to friends and loved ones, because no matter how much they want to help your friends are not objective. They want to nudge you in a certain direction and they have all their own worries and insecurities and desires playing on them as well.

I have this exact problem and therapy is helping immensely! Go for it!

I feel crazy when it comes to Burts Bees, because I used to love it, mostly because of the awesome tingly feeling. But I don't get the tingly feeling anymore! I thought maybe they had changed the formula to make it less awesome, but as everyone else here seems to love it I now suspect MY LIPS ARE BROKEN

I feel crazy when it comes to Burts Bees, because I used to love it, mostly because of the awesome tingly feeling.


Totally. It's the fact that they're smiling. They are just so damn PLEASED with themselves for being awful.

Could you do one of these on fluoride please? Because the stuff I've seen about it maybe being a neurotoxin do not appear to be that wildly hippie-dippie and it's freakin' me out.

I kind of question considering this an "orientation", because that implies it's way less changeable than it is. Though of course sexual orientations can also change over time as sexuality is fluid, whether I'm oriented towards monogamy or promiscuity can change in a matter of months and has to do with a ton of

For fuck's sake, he can get off if he didn't UNDERSTAND that it's dangerous to open a door with your fucking gun? So you can't be in trouble for being wildly irresponsible if you're too fucking dumb to understand why?

Oh man, totally. I felt like this season got off to kind of a clunky start, because the first few episodes felt like a lot of rehashes of old jokes, but that episode was BRILLIANT. I was dying and texting everyone I know to watch it immediately. Having Leslie deal with being a candidate's wife is a genius twist.

I feel that too— or, I think it's kinda like, at the beginning all the characters were majorly flawed, but now basically every episode involves them showing that quirky flaw and then softening up and hugging everyone by the end of the episode. There's only so many times April can be mean and distant and then give a

If someone has the bandwidth to make a GIF of Mary Poppins getting rimmed here I'd appreciate it.

The thing that's really driving me nuts on this thread is that people are saying "Oh doulas are just for rich white women, of course they shouldn't be covered", and are apparently unable to make the connection that not being covered by insurance may be the reason that only rich white people are able to use them.

"Must" in this instance refers to what you must do in order to not be an asshole, not what you must do to avoid jail. That isn't that complicated.

Yeah, the tipping system here is terrible and unfair, that's what I'm trying to say. There actually are some restaurants here that are starting to up menu prices and actually pay their servers a living wage, and I think that's great. The minimum wage laws here don't apply to tipped employees, because it's assumed the