
but then it’s like, oh crap, even badass rocker chicks can be traumatized and wrong.

Also, I’m a preschool teacher and that bento box has too many choices. I’m also a mom and there is no way I would spend the 30 minutes it would take to put that together in the mornings. Nopenope.

My kid just had a raw ear of corn and some white cheddar popcorn which I consider a win all all around. A fiber win at the very least.

I think she looks chic all the time so, yeah, I clicked the link. Not disappointed.

“only worried about going to hell after he dies”

whoa how do you reverse image search??

ITA. Recently she’s been all Marilyn realness.

“Eighteen hundred and froze to death” is pretty cute for Victorian humor. A+, would recommend this snark.

I’m taking bets that he will eventually get her fired. Swear to god, that’s how beholden Fox News is to their Donald Trump-loving viewers.

i am so on board for this. i actually think sleepy humpback bob saget has pretty good delivery and I know john stamos’ dad from somewhere. TGIF was my TV, family matters was the best (erkel/stefon!)

Angel Barta, you are HILARIOUS. you have been grinding this same axe over marc jacobs for so long all over the internet. Doesn’t cyber-stalking get kind of boring after a while?

1 i’m glad that spencer/pratt are weirdly happy with each other. their basic message: hi, haterz!

A BM is a bowel movement and nothing else. Anyone who thinks they can change well established acronyms, internet age or no, is a BM.

fucking good!! the second half hour of sesame is terrible animation with no story. the first half is still cute, i think, but that second half is a big woof.

still pretty inappropriate for the workplace, tho, right?

hi something something, i didn’t know you were coming

that dlisted gif tho

See?? Ppl still use it!!