
Easy to say when you're engaged to Chrissy fucking Teigan but okay.

I still donate, though. Wouldn't want to displease the vampire overlords.

What if you like your haircut and thinks it look kind of good all wet and stringy never mind

I bet they still have a 50/50 chance.

Wowzer, this is some unholy conjecturing. What are you even talking about?

She was writing him up for failing to perform because he didn't wait on a NIP customer who clearly wanted help. I breastfed for a few years, sometimes, it was the only way I was going to get ANYTHING done. So, yeah, I expect everyone to be fucking grown-ups when I need help/service and am asking for it. What if I had

Are you kidding?? I LOVE She-Ra!

There is Camp Nanowrimo running for's my first time using the Nanowrimo format and I like the idea of "just get it out." And I never want feedback on a first draft...*shudder.* I'm in a cabin of GTers; if you sign up, let me know, I'll invite you.

Yeah, I've had the same thoughts and I have the same educational background...but I think I'm looking at my writing more openly now. I try to start a blog every 6 months but can't get past the first couple of posts because I'm so bogged down with keeping track of this online persona. It's exhausting. I am hoping the

I think you might be overly cautious when it comes to using your real name (unless you're posting it with a SSN and DL#). I use a handle for online commenting but never for my writing: I definitely want my name attached to my writing. (I think you'd be able to tell which critiques were coming from sexist asshats.) If

I don't think she's teaching the kid to lie (it's developmentally appropriate to lie at that age) but, yeah, the mom should just tell her she's busted and how to behave next time. Punishment still isn't appropriate for such a young child, though, imo. Still, cute video.

Oh man, Aidy Bryant is my favorite cast member. I often think that her roles completely don't even allude to her size at all. I like McCarthy, too, but she's never been cast as the romantic lead or desirable to anyone except mothers and fat fetishists.

The old Wild Oats? The only reason I ever go is because my school is there and I'm on foot.

Oh forget it! It's beautiful but you can't take a left out of that parking lot to save a life (not that it's easy to take lefts in LA but whatever).

I'm here, too, and my husband always wants to take the Prius anywhere we have to park on the street which MOS DEF includes 23rd and Wilshire Whole Foods.

Maybe nobody likes me but I don't have enough close friends for this to be a real problem.

is that jack black?

Well, whoever traced it was not 6 years old.

I really don't believe this is a child's drawing. 6 yr olds don't usually draw perspective. Or straight lines.