All bad suggestions. Someone straight out of college with reliable transportation shouldn’t be buying ANYTHING. How about paying down those college loans and investing into tax deferred retirement funds.
All bad suggestions. Someone straight out of college with reliable transportation shouldn’t be buying ANYTHING. How about paying down those college loans and investing into tax deferred retirement funds.
Should have just made Buick the all-plug-in division. Cadillac could be the BEV division.
Say what you will but I'm a fan of this new long horizontal lines trend. I was never a fan of the long vertical center stack look.
the infrastructure needs to be in place, convenient, fast and credible before genpop will commit to electric.
at every rest stop along I-90 between Boston and Buffalo, there are at most 2 electric car chargers, at most there is only 1. if your car needs a charge and someone is already using it, or a coal roller is…
That’s a start at least.
Tesla has batteries.
GM has fighting words for Tesla.
Y’all idiots should have thought about this when you were rounding up EV1s to throw in the crusher.
Honda’s first Civics didn’t “win the market” either. Look at the evolution of the first few generations - one thing Honda is good at is building their products incrementally.
Well, such a thing should be available to any car, not just EVs. Imagine that the OEMs give the same ability for warranty work to any authorized shop, and prices their replacement parts in line with what they charge dealers, and what do you think would happen? The warranty work is what dealers love. They make a couple…
Bye, Felicia.
Wow, how will the commentariat ever survive without your esteemed presence?
Why? What was the point of the bridge? I honestly don’t get it. I mean, I get the sarcasm from the MAGAs, but why at parties?
Overall, the hypocrisy of these people is staggering.
Yeah no, more hate on the wannabe fascist and his supporters at all times, please and thanks.
“We watched for four years while our cities burned and they rioted...”
What are they even talking about?
Trump supporters are like the bullies who pick on you and tell you not to snitch, until you hit them and they immediately snitch.
He should have just complied.
You’re not getting political. You’re revealing a fundamental compassion/moral compass.
Thanks to Tom for letting us into this, I’d never have thought about this issue otherwise and I like to think I try to consider the struggles others may face.
Yup. Call me a commie all day long if you like, but in a country as rich as this one every single person should have access to the basic necessities of life. That means food, water, shelter, education, healthcare, and mobility. Doesn’t have to be fancy, but nobody should be hungry, thirsty, homeless, ignorant, sick,…