Pabuuu, JDM car enthusiast & Italian parts hoarder

Or you know, give it time, because it took the last incarnation of top gear a full season and a half to stop not sucking.

I love cars and hate this attitude from other car enthusiasts. Roll with the needs of the times, cars are not going to be here forever, neither is the ICE. If you like them, be thankful you live in this brief window of history where they are present and plentiful and leave it at that.

Utterly fucking stupid.

But they need clickbait! It’s like, crazy and stuff.

This isn’t adding anything to the blog and for that I’m sorry but...

“Because we’re Jalopnik, dammit! And if it doesn’t have Miata Tesla in the title, it shall therefore be MEH!”

Universal Studios should buy this and hold on to it for Fast and the Furious 10, where the entire movie takes place in Dom’s head while he’s in a coma and thinks it’s 1994.

We should unionize.

I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.

Specially designed for all season outdoor player:

They did, it’s called the Dead Or Alive franchise.

News had the problem of being really outdated by the time it aired, particularly in the digital age.

Good. I always hated the “star in a reasonably priced car” segment. Very rarely did they have cool guests, instead featuring some vapid celebrity fuckwit I couldn’t give two shits about, blathering on about how little they know or care about cars.

IMO the news segments were funny and interesting, it’s sad to see them ditching it.

I loved the news. The news helped highlight the relationships between the three guys, which was the best part.

I will miss May saying this but thats pretty much it.

You bite your tongue. Cool Wall was great, The News was great. Star in a Reasonably Priced Car could have definitely been done away with. But the specials were always the best episodes and most film-like, it sure seems like they’re going to be taking that direction for the entirety of the new series. Much excite.

I don’t care whose feelings get hurt when I laugh.