
But wouldn’t you be able to fit an even bigger motor in a shooting brake?

...and the Charger has been recycled into a Hyundai.

Send in the lumberjacks!

It was awesome- she did really well. I kept speeds reasonable, but still scraped the rigid mudflaps a couple times on frost heaves. Wished I had a roof rack; survival gear, a full sized spare, aviation-rated fuel bladder, snowmachine helmet (in case the windshield busted), and my slope worker brother who I had for the

There are times when a truck would be better, especially something like a Raptor. Mostly to get up above some of the blowing snow, and the huge cargo area. Unfortunately, I have room for only one vehicle, so I bought the WRX. I have an affinity for fun, and relatives with pickups.

It was awesome, just be sure to get a CB so you can talk to the truckers, they are really cool about letting you know if they are coming around a corner or hill. They’ll also let you know if you can pass:

I drove the Dalton earlier this year- want to do it again.

I spent about a month in Beirut in 2003. I learned that after dark, nobody stopped at stop lights- they would just slow down a little (if at all) and give their horn a toot as they went through the intersection. Driving at all times tended to incorporate a laissez faire attitude towards safety. It was exciting, but

Interesting article- does anybody know if the B-52s also turned off their transponders during this exercise? While there has been a lot of "OMG! They are flying Bears off the coast of California!" among the reactions to Russia's increased flights, I think it is worth considering that we do have an awful lot of bases