Pablo Mejia

I work in a technical center for CONDUMEX and Delphi as a software engineer for safety features on cars. It bugs me that many of my car-enthusiast colleagues just don’t see that what we’re developing is already changing the automotive world.


Does anybody have dreams about being chased by raptors? I have this dream when I’m stressed, and it’s always the same.

Since I saw the original Jurassic Park at the cinema when I was I child, I have a nightmare where raptors are on the loose and trying to get me in my parents’ house. Even though I live on my own now, it’s always my parents’ house.

I have a cousin that did that poop thing. She would take poop from her diaper and wipe it on her father’s face. Poor uncle Beto.

Great article. I wish I could send it to 10-years-ago me.

I always wondered if the Bluetooth connection is encrypted on these devices. It seems lazy that the creators didn’t protect the board from this, especially when hacking it is one of the first ideas that cross your mind.

How about Betty? “The Betty Drought”

OK, this guy is sick. He’s prolonging the suffering of an animal just to feel morally superior. If he’s given the option to connect the cat to a horrible contraption that will cause it pain all day long, but will keep it alive, would he do it? How much would he pay?

Hey, I like this one.

Did he get to eat it?

OK so I read “a GAY eagle drone has been lost” and started questioning myself if the drone was gay because the operators are, or maybe the USA has a whole gay drone unit and I thought “wow, how progressive of the US” and now I really want to know if such a thing exists.

As if this guy’s friend was capable of scoring. I think we all know that the only thing he wants is privacy to watch porn at full volume. Who’s the perv here?

I’ve broken like six glasses this year, only three of them while alcoholized. I thought this was normal, that’s why stores have such a big glass supply. Fuck.

My brother and I learned to ride a bike around the same age, 6 years old, and it was the traditional way (training wheels and a very worried parent on a deserted location).

Earthquakes still worry me. I don’t doubt the material’s strength, but the idea of being buried in my own home, or the whole complex being swallowed by the mountain scares me.

ONLY people.

*stares at the hole*

OK, so you propose to get rid of everything that generates an addiction?

This angers me a lot. The thing is that a lot of people here in Mexico are convinced that this is just a smoke screen to hide the teachers’ and doctors’ protests and the fact that the president is enjoying his vacations in France with his family and 100+ guests.