
Every line and crease you see on the body serves an aerodynamic purpose” Except the grill. The grill is there so your neighbors know you have a BMW. This is the issue for most modern carmakers as they turn the EV corner: Their most distinctive feature, the “corporate grill” is not needed/vestigial. 

I live quite near you and also see a ton (well, several tons actually) of full-sized trucks lumbering about. My favorite is seeing these pointless behemoths “parked” at MSP where they occupy 1.5 spaces and a good part of the driving lane as well. No thanks.

Republican who view EVs as occult talismans sent by satan.

For me the question is “What’s the biggest car you could actually live with?” I am in an urban area and yet almost all new cars are far bigger than I want or need. When I had young kids everyone said I needed an SUV or a minivan. I got a VW Beetle instead-I mean little kids are pretty small and they easily fit in the

It is a continuing disappointment that none of these races take place in the Americas, despite nearly 25% of the F1 season now run in the new world. Hope those Austin fans stay happy with nothing to watch but antique (sorry, vintage) racers to watch between F1 sessions.

...and all the wires will be black, just to make it easier to sort out. I still want one of these, and it’s still not as likely to catch fire as a Tesla.

What else would you expect the chairman of BWM to say? “Sorry, we were all high one weekend and just sort of punted on this- we’ll try harder next time”?Sadly, the market is not exactly full of beautiful cars right now so they can pretty much slap a BMW grill and propeller on anything and get people to buy them.

Most of the cars made by Rolls Royce: Phantom, Wraith, Ghost. Honorable mention: Any car named “spider”

We all know what the answer is

They have all been beautiful in one way or another, but my current DD wins the “pretty” contest:

A great reminder of all the amazing racing programs Audi used to run and the fantastic cars they used to sell. But please sir, can have another 3-row crosssover?

I am quite shocked at how little on-track activity is on the schedule. I know that a fall date means fewer race series are happening, but other races on the calendar have so much more going on. I have very much enjoyed Elizabeth’s postings on US grand Prix  history and I wonder how long the DTS-era fans will last.

I drove 14 miles yesterday. But I still want a car that will go farther than that.

I agree. If every BP (“beyond petroleum”, remember) had a charger or 2 it would be a game-changer.

I don’t think EVs are going to catch on if you need a house and 3 other ICE vehicles in order to use the thing.

I like how you were able to nonchalantly ignore every other thing in the above comment in order to justify your expensive hobby. Yes, if the only difference were 3 minutes at the pump we would all drive EVs. That fact that we don’t all drive EVs means that EVs are, for the moment expensive 2nd cars for people who own

“200 miles, which is comparable with the amount of miles you’ll get between refills of your gas-powered motor”. Yes, this is comparable. As in “200 miles is less than my 12 year old Volvo will go between fill-ups. An EV with a range of 200 miles won’t go all those miles because no one will wait until it’s on mile 199

“Somebody else’s camper” is nearly as bad as “somebody else’s project”. ND

Wagon, brown(ish), MT, not a lot of $$ or miles. Easy NP.

has no dash lights” translation: A fuse (wire, something else) has failed and none of the interior lights are working. Still, these things are easy to work on, right? NP