Most of the Germans are also “not particularly fun to drive”. Volvo’s reliability has been iffy of late, but they are lovely to look at and have some of the best interiors (which is part of the driving experience) in the biz.
Most of the Germans are also “not particularly fun to drive”. Volvo’s reliability has been iffy of late, but they are lovely to look at and have some of the best interiors (which is part of the driving experience) in the biz.
That Audi is running Hoosier tires. Where is this event? Does Tire rack ship to Ukraine?
On some cars, yes. But even if looks were the most important factor bigger isn’t always better. Me, I live in pothole land (Minnesota) and I’m done with 20" wheels and rubber band tires. I’m also old-my first car was a 1977 VW Rabbit which came with 13" wheels. Which were totally big enough.
Tesla said the model 3 would cost $35,000. They did NOT say “The model 3 will cost $37,900 in the year 2020". I’m confident that a even a Tesla enthusiast such as yourself has never met anyone who paid $35,ooo for their car.
My current car is also made of 100% recycled materials. This was accomplished using craigslist, which seems to recycle entire, already assembled cars.
For that matter, neither does my neighbor’s Dodge pickup. Angry Angry Angry.
No more overpriced colonoscopies for me!
“Here’s Everything Wrong With My Volkswagen Passat W8 “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
He lives in Brooklyn: on street parking is free (until you forget to move the car every so often). Use an app to find a spot. Not sure what qualifies as “eye-wateringly” expensive; pretty much everything about car ownership could be described that way- repairs, insurance, depreciation...
Neighbor recently made almost the exact same swap, although his vans do not have the adaptive controls as the family member w/disability is not a driver. I had no idea they were so expensive. Really appreciated this story and wish you both many years of mobility (which is worth way more than any Porsche).
A C30 is, in fact my DD, so I’m biased.
Volvo V60. Safe, economical (at least until you have to repair it) and most importantly, has memory seats. Spouse and I are have same height difference as the writer and his daughter, and this feature is great. These depreciate like mad and you should be able to find one under a warranty for under $25k.
Between the C30, V50 and S40 this was always the least interesting to me- the Mini-S60 look just doesn’t work. With AWD and a manual this is sorta unusual, but at that price, keep shopping. ND
How do Tesla fanboys still exist? I don’t get it.
At Bring a Trailer the really fancy cars are photographed in front of a private airplane, so really this NPOND vehicle makes sense. Wonder if having a fancy car in the background would help?
The discussion here is pretty bizarre (in a predictable sort of way). I believe the only appropriate response is “YAY!”
I don’t understand the need for 7 seats. How many kids do have? Or is it a really huge dog? I think a Ford Flex may be the answer?
I’m gonna convert to full aquarium mode-inspired by this:
Agree, if a time machine was an option. A modern version of group A would be awesome. IMSA might “kind of” be doing this now.
Fantastic! Now if he could just bring the whole Supercar show with him to North America and replace NASCAR....