
@Molbork: Are you using a buffer of some sort on the outside to avoid the clip from wearing out a card?

Kinda like how Nicholas Cage walked around Weatherman with a bow?

@Sakilla: Are you kidding me? The sound was the best part! wut wut wut wut, do dooooo.

@Sprzout: Would be nice if it didn't just desktop crash on my Evo :(

Sad to think I haven't played any of them since '96 :(

Star Trek II suggestion...you nerd!

The sole reason I created my personal web page after college was because a quick google search of my name returned a number one result of some kid bonging a fifth of vodka on facebook....Needless to say I ousted that page pretty quickly :)

It's called common sense. Set an extra alarm, call someone to verify you're up, leave early to account for traffic and anything else that can go wrong. Yes you'll sit your but in the waiting area for an hour, but you won't miss your flight.

@D.LYTE: You're naive if you think only BP does this. You should probably be boycotting 90% of what you use on a daily basis.

@dboudwin: OH geeze, it's the Dungy police!

Fried corn is amazing :)

@Archaotic: Dan's just jealous that he bought the wrong platform.

A fish tank would have been killer in the middle of that brown thing.

@Jandau: So the ladies don't find Raynor attractive?

@campiosa: So you exhale as you swim up, how hard is that? Not to mention I'm sure they could make it back to the surface before they drowned. Half the fun is the danger.

@buttersstotch: No denying the fact that they look stupid. Rave on my friend, rave on.

@LEOpirate: I took it as intended, as in a /rant