
@Jesse Scroggins: My thoughts exactly. Luckily YouTube crapped out after his first line, and I just said forget it.

@Mr. Met's Morphine: Aside from the iPad app, what was stopping you from catching up on these shows for free using regular hulu?

@Purdueable: I have to agree, these pictures are pretty retarded.

So it's like a ghost pirates fighting knights fighting Han Solo type theme?? I don't get it.

Godiva and Ghiradelli? Must be a chick's browser.

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Try as I might to put that tune in my head, it always just comes out either Indiana or Bond instead...

@ps61318: Plus we all just boiled our water and it was cheaper and easier.

@protodad: I think the issue here is political. As discussed in other threads, it may take 2 months to approve and put up a tower in Texas, but the same tower in LA takes 2 years to get approval.

I hope you live right under the tower. Supposedly we have it here in Boston, and I've yet to see it...even when I go downtown.

I <3 my Evo and the service is top notch here in Boston.

@kingcrim84: You're anus isn't a sexual organ either, but that's NSFW as well...

@kingcrim84: They're discussing the origins of the term 'spoiler alert' and the tag associated with it. If you're referring to the first time someone spoiled a plot for someone...you'd have to go way past these past few centuries.

@Xagest: You and me both!

Nice team choice :)

@Wade McGillis: Can't wait for a bolt to come through the window and smack your TV upside the screen.

That graph also represents the quality of movie / plot. Minus Shrek/toy story 3 should be swapped.