
Supertramp?? Really?

Sweet, so you get ads by Apple straight to your dashboard?

Who'd he use?

@britishcoder: You've obviously never dealt with Blizzard support before.

How would you feel if you played WoW for a year and your level gazillion gnome shaman was deleted irreplaceably?

@Realityism ▲: The laughing of the reporters at the end was great.

@HackBerry: That's the key to underwater breathing. Age old family secret.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Not inconsistent at all, you just search and download the one with the greater seeds/leechers. Problem solved.

@Spartanical: Big brother smiles upon you...this time.

@KryptonZero: All these religious posts, and not one mention of Scientology?? What is this world coming to?

@Marc Li: As he posts using his facebook icon...troll

@soldstatic: Simple solution, go there and try it...and you'll agree it's way better. Ireland is a great country so it's well worth the experience.

@Stem_Sell: See, without the picture this was a win...now you're just dumbed it down too much.

@soldstatic: While there, I was told it's all about pasteurization. Within the country it's not, shipped outside it's required. Whether this is true or not, there is no dispute that Guiness tastes better in Ireland, be it a placebo effect or just the fact that it's fresher, I don't think anyone who's been there