
Am I the only one that doesn't really care about all this 3d hype? Avatar in 3d was kinda cool, and how to train was a great movie, but I don't think the 3d made it great, it was the plot.

Mine already expired :( Had the apk installed last week on my EVO. Will definitely be buying when it's available.

@seven5suited: It'd probably sound like the world cup.

@Ailatan: The chants provide positive atmosphere and a great way to keep yourself busy! These crappy things are just plain crappy....Bring back the creativity.

@Sporkotica: Are you stuck in rural Ohio or something? Cincinnati is an amazing city/tristate area, not to mention the state is home to OSU, Ceadar point, several professional teams, and a host of other great opportunities and attractions. Maybe you just need to get out of the house more often.

@axiomatic: oh joy, HP products, you guys don't need to worry about this argument. You should focus on getting your printer drivers down below 3GB of installed bloatware and work on reducing the amount poo you ship preloaded on your computers.

@Steverino Begins: What makes you think their response has been either of these? Simply because there hasn't been a resolution doesn't mean there hasn't been valid attempts. There's no cure to cancer, so can we say that all cancer research is immature and slow? Think before you speak.

Just what we need, another reason to not watch soccer...

I'd opt for an awning that's a little more rain resistant.

So if Horatio downloaded the DSI app, would he be........touching himself? YEAHHHHHHHH

@handheadman: Swype more than levels, it tips the scale in favor of Android.

sudo root incredible

Wow, that cat in the trash scared the crap out of me...

@Software_Goddess: You do realize there are no t's in the word ladder, yes?

Step 5: Buy a ladder that isn't 30 years

Why does this guys voice make me feel violated??? help

If the first sentence is a run on, I immediately lose interest...

Gives a new meaning to facetime...