P5guy now GTIguy

You are wrong on both counts, sorry to say.

...the California-based engineer-CEO...

All of the arguments against this can be countered with “the public school system should be better funded.”

If he knew more than like 12 pop culture things, it would be fun. 

It is, because Musk is a child.

Consumer Reports was a solid man of integrity with a passion for kitchen appliances, rest in piece, Mr. Reports. 

I’ve seen several 208's in real life (there are plenty of them in western europe) and they look really really good.

Is this a Torchinsky alias?

Considering it is fairly well in line with your usual rhetoric, yes. Yes I did.  But what you imply is right: I shouldn’t take the things you write seriously. 

those look like ass

Nope. Bigger throttle body, larger intake & exhaust valves, new piston shaping with lighter pistons & con rods, revised valve timing, stiffer crankshaft with revised balance. It’s the type of stuff engine builders used to do before “turn up the boost” became the go-to solution.  

This car is as exotic and Italian as Crazy Bread from Little Caesar’s. Just get the MX-5.

Motherfucker, PLEASE. The book isn’t anti-autonomous cars at all. I fucking WISH writing anti-Tesla articles made one tiny bit of difference on book sales. It doesn’t. And I’m not anti-Tesla. But if this is your reaction to this story, perhaps you should seek out your clergyperson or a trusted relative. Maybe a

A giant number of commenters don’t know the difference between a refresh and a complete redesign. 

thats not a refresh thats a entirely new generation. 

A generation is not a refresh

*because my loan has a 17% interest rate and I can’t afford to.

I put the timing chains on the BACK of the engine!

Off-topic: I sure can’t wait for the day that the “reaction” thumbnails go away.  I DON’T click those videos because of how stupid they look - but I’m running low on new stuff to watch b/c everyone does it. Gross. 

GMG Wants To Make One Thing Absolutely Clear: They Hate All Of You, The Readers, And Believe All Of You Are Chumps.