
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: GoldenEye, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Wii Party, all niche titles? I think not, my good man!

Nearly only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

@Rachel Fogg: GoldenEye, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Wii Party...

@thebodypopper: Life? Whaddya meeeeean life? I ain't got a life!

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

@AerintheGREAT: If you discover that it's you, and you had amnesia and couldn't remember committing the crime, I will give up hope in video games.

@Spaceboy: I think he was the gold medal-winning sprinter, actually.

@alkaliv2: I don't think your 2K11 example is quite fair, seeing as plenty of gamers I know would have had far deeper conversations and experiences with that game than something like RDR. It's a taste thing.

@Pray4Mojo: I'd heart-click you again if I could.

@tasteskindasalty: I found FO3 harder, if only because I didn't really understand how to play until I was halfway through the game. I had a little experience going into NV.

@d4rk-h4x0rer: I only played FO2 briefly, but New Vegas has a great "feel" to it.

New Vegas

@Carade: A stretch, but 7/10 for effort!

@floppy mcwiggle: Yeah, the game has its flaws, but overall it's a blast.

@floppy mcwiggle: Gotta say, I'm surprised she got into it. We got the game for Christmas, but haven't been able to touch until now. The UI is so stupidly designed, and it's so freakin' difficult to do any menial task in the menus, that I thought she'd give up in frustration. But she's really started to get