
@superhuffy: No dsi unfortunately, but I'll keep that in mind if/when I grab that or a 3DS! Thanks!

It's been such an amazing time for the revival of platformers... I currently have DKCR, NSMB, A Boy and His Blob, VVVVVV, Braid and Gish that I'm playing through.

@Coigleach: I haven't even minded the 6 month GTA waits, because it usually means a far superior version. But come on, this is just ridiculous!

@jedbeetle: I have heard very few complaints at all about SMG2. RDR, while still highly regarded, seems to have put a small segment of gamers/reviewers off. That being said, I've played neither, but will play both soon assuming Rockstar comes to its senses and releases RDR on PC.

@dowingba: World 1 of DKCR alone is my GOTY.

Great work Fahey.

This image lends itself much better to TAY photoshopping than last month's... the problem with December's is that it was too busy, with no one character or focal point to work into a game-related 'shop. Time to get to work on this one though...

@Schlofendein: Thanks! I'll take that under consideration.

I'm looking to buy a Wii sports game... probably an NHL title, Madden, or NBA 2K11. Anyone know if any of the above are any good? I don't want to get a watered-down crappy version of the 360/PS3 titles...

Heck, if I could pull off any number of the resolutions on Bishop Vincent's list I'd be satisfied!

Man, this guy's really not monkeying around.

@FrankieViturello: The first Halo had far too many engaging shooting sequences.

@floppy mcwiggle: I don't know... usually it will even tell you when they unstar you, what it was for. Hopefully Brian will get back to you.

@floppy mcwiggle: I'm digging through your comment history and can't tell. Maybe promoting this troll?

@Ueziel: Interesting, I am playing through DKCR now and A Boy And His Blob just arrived in the mail this morning! Can't wait.