
@Pray4Mojo: Sounds cliche... but FPS games. Also, fighters like Brawl / Melee.

@kaznasty: Exactly. I still remember the locations, the different towns' looks and feel... Oblivion is just like a big blur to me.

@JuneBeatle80: Ah the Cliff Racers (I think they were called.) They freaked me out the first time I encountered them.

@Clixx13: 500 hours and never beat the main quest! High five! No?

That can't be the Gamebryo engine. My browser hasn't crashed to desktop yet!

Replace "Oblivion" with "Morrowind" in the title, and these tears would be tears of joy.

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Seriously. What do we need to qualify as must-buy if these don't count?

The amount of common sense and even-headedness in the comments section here is heartening.

11 fingers you say? Finally. FINALLY.

No New Vegas this weekend. Packed up the PC to move it into another room and I haven't unpacked it yet. But that only means I had more time for Goldeneye - had some 1 vs 1 local play for about 3 hours. Also I'm on the final mission in the single player campaign and it's glorious. Great story, and I'm totally

@Matt Foley Motivation: I'm with you. Is it ironic that I'll be using Counter-Strike skillz to break into Valve's own office?

@Grievence: I haven't tried it. Any good?

The ending to Fallout 3 really got me.

@Kanji08: Thanks. Hope it turns out great.

@wiggatron: I have played GT3 on PS2 and didn't care for it at all. That was why I asked. According to commenters above, GT5 is much improved, so hopefully I'll get a chance to try that out.

How do the physics in the Gran Turismo series compare to racing sims on the PC? I ask because I've tried both, and GT3 (I think) on the PS2 seemed kinda off compared to some of the GTR/GT Legends games that I've played with my cheapo PC wheel. But maybe I didn't have the settings right, or maybe it's improved since