
I live in the city, where everything that looks like rock is usually a... dog poo :/

No PS360 version - that was the problem...

@fusion0fangels: red letters are: o-tions-nts-ste-what is in the box

two things:

like I said before:

converting your files permamently: stupid

I hope some a$$hole from Capcom will actually read at least some of these comments (on Kotaku or anywhere else) and as result the whole PR department will be laid-off...

Shame on you Capcom.

Capcom - watch and learn!

IE stable/unstable - check... same with Firefox, Opera and Safari. the question is - where is Google Chrome Beta 2?

@SajiliMagpie: same with windows version - fan runs louder when PolarClock is active. but it's a flash (I mean > PolarClock3.swf) so no wonder it kinda kill my CPU ;)

@kilde: same story here :)

dead rising? loved zombies, hated taking pictures of them, so... I'll pass.

Crackdown is one of my favs, top ten for sure, so I can't wait for Crackdown 2 :)

for test purpose I stop use experimental add-ons for a week. as a result I got about 80% less crasher during regular, everyday use of my ff3. the other thing that helped was clearing cache more often - with huge temp ff3 has tendency to slow down and eventually freeze and crash.