this is ...uh... original. even if it does kinda look like a strangely photoshopped celica
this is ...uh... original. even if it does kinda look like a strangely photoshopped celica
riding the wave of the sales success that was the crosstour, Honda continues to sell spacebanana shaped vehicles.
The aileron was way cooler. Whats the deal with the chicken wire in the hood on this one?!
I had this theme on a caravan cv and a matching scooter!
I used to have a army surplus bomber themed caravan and matching scooter teehee.
This is right near me if anyone wants me to go test drive it for them...
Mac’s are fine if all you do is email and amature photography or design or don’t Really know how to use computers. but if you need real processing power, you just can’t do it in a mac. If you are a gamer or industrial designer or architect its not even a question.
Arguing with a mac fanboy is always futile. Did you have a network of similarly spec’d pc’s to compare it to? No, then it means nothing. that must be why 98% of networked offices are pc...
...right they work...
Uh...Didnt google kinda already just do a new version of this car, design wise?
it hurt my brains
The Mitsubishi mirage just has a black sticker over the b-pillar:
The article below this one...
I dont get why cars like this arent just made as a hatchback, doest it really cost that much more to make or something? Also, when the first gen mazda6 had a sedan and a sedan hatchback, very hard to VISUALLY tell the difference between the two, so why didnt they just cut production costs and only make the sedan…
Its funny because even though i dont actively go seeking the first model year a lot of my cars ive owned have been. Two 04 crossfires, 04 lancer sportback ralliart, 99 tracker, 01 stratus coupe, 12 ford focus, 93 ford probe, 91 caravan cargovan, and 96 taurus and 99 alero. I never thought about it until this article.…
Audi A8s and stock escalades are thd only vehicles that pull off chrome wheels correctly.
Every owner ive talked to says this exact same thing, that they wish they still had it.