People should not jump off a bridge unless they are fully armed...”
People should not jump off a bridge unless they are fully armed...”
Ugh. Here’s hoping that meteor from Greenland hits Florida very soon....
Yup, but usually frat-bros Chip and Dash beat his ass first.
Ain’t no neutral ground when it come to racism.
Amy Cooper, what an asshole!
It’s obvious that the heightened security guards are probably creating them.
Sounds like you found a hole in your beliefs.
This intersetion already has a permanent memorial White Bike there for other victims. It’s very dangerous.
You’ll feel better in the morning after some Stummies.
The real Lefty Ruggiero got exactly what he deserved. Pacino did some fine work portraying him.
I enjoyed, and felt bad, for Pacino’s ‘Lefty’ in Donnie Brasco. Just wonderfully played.
They all support a cheeto.
They keep showing her young son Snitchy staring and always trying to snoop. He’s involved somehow.
Me too. My mullet has aged badly.
My school was smart. They just added the cost to some other BS “fees and incidentals” and everyone got a copy.
Same morons who travel city to city to grab baseballs.