
Ewan McGregor and Ray Park’s fight was the only good thing period.

I remember the drive back from Revenge Of The Sith—my friend and I spluttering at each other, demanding to know how they could’ve fucked this up so badly....

Everyone loves Diamond Dan.

Yes, important news that’s worth reading! 

I learned the best swear words at an early age from my mom, gaining life-lessons when it came to dealing with some idiots. She helped me allot with my critical thinking. 

I thought it was agreed all around that no more ‘T’ news, pictures, comments, or quotes would be produced until the fucker or his ilk’s obituaries or prison sentences.

(Sorry) I shudder at the thought of laugh tracks for Always Sunny, Curb, or Drunk History. I’m sure some exec wanted to add them in.

Holt and Kevin will be missed.

“...and carries on relations with his cousin...”

He’s just too cool.

South Africans?!?!

Jim Henson’s Corona Babies.

I assume also speeches on baseball?

Fuk-Q texas, from the judges, to the prosecutors, to the border agents, to the flower sellers.