
And then he ran away, knocking over garbage cans, exclaiming “You will perish in flames!”

You have my sympathies....”

Who is the guffawing idiot behind him on the right? His ‘Ed McMahon’ lackey, paid to laugh at everything he says? If she is a lawyer too, jeez....

[Negative Nexus] [(-1 x -1) = 1], and that’s why he should remain president!”

The term ‘legal voters’ really pisses me off.

Any money left over for Andy?

My greatest hope is news outlets stop giving free press to the prez orange and his ilk. Let them go away, all of them.

I know. That cop was ready to draw his weapon, acting like a little boy and his dog were gonna pull a shotgun on him. Hardly anything has changed.

Once again, the police show who they really are. 

Yeah, watching that and seeing his ugly face thinking “I don’t wanna be here” made me sick.

As we saw in the protests this past summer, he has whole police forces that would love to back him forever while stomping on us citizens.

With live commentary by Randy Rainbow.

I don’t know, he looks pretty tough.....

Day 4