
I hate to think it, but reality says that every time a plot like this is discovered/fails, someone else is taking notes on what not to do with their plans. We know that the majority of these rifle dicks are simpletons, but there are smart people out there planning shit right now for tomorrow. Those are the ones that

The evils of free Wi-Fi......

“Now relax and have some corn bread.”

Yes we can...

His smile when he plays...thank you Eddie.

Did Andrew Callaghan make it in time to interview the yokels outside Walter Reed the last few days?

Don’t bother with them and their ilk, they would just start swinging at you.

They’ll throw in that bridge to nowhere that was near Cabrini Green.

I always expect two of him.

Maybe that’s the idea of Schwartzman’s character. He seems more of a spoiled flunky to his dad and is now trying to play boss man.

His credit card idea proves just that. He’s looking into the future to see how he can get out of racketeering and into being a straight businessman.

The mortician family seems to be in debt to them already, and now your sister robs their joint and kills three? Storm a-brewin.

Not counting the mezzanine.

How cool we thought we were in the 80's, playing rock songs on the front porch for the girls walking by until my mom came out and said to turn it down.

Alex is right. His smile while playing was great. It let you enjoy the music all the more.

Tammy’ works best of all on her.

I am once again reminded of the asshole cop from ‘Harold & Kumar’ who busts you for jaywalking at 2 AM cuz he loves the bullying power he got in HS.

...with a side order of BB-Q ribs and a Budweiser in a flag can while wearing a blue strip flag camo baseball cap and a Proud Boy t-shirt.....

You know, I know it, the dog knows it, but they will not change. Cut bait on them and let’s move forward.