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    @Windrummerboy: No. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the article.

    @TheOmnitron: Sorry, great game design is always relevant, more people should would do well to appreciate the days when gameplay was more important because they didn't have flashy presentation to fall back on.

    Bah, where's my Leilana figure? :(

    The more footage I see of the game, the more convinced I am that we're really not missing much by having it cancelled. Nothing I haven't already seen in other games already.

    The original could do HD-type resolutions so I don't quite get the "HD" thing. Also:

    Wow, Hawkwind an Nazareth, that's some classic rocking right there.

    Oh, I can't wait.

    @Kuwabara Kazuo: A petabyte is 1000 terrabytes I believe. Also, I could be completely mistaken.

    Seems like you are really reaching in the 'Hated' section. "The story is simply a thin excuse to keep the player moving, and not much more than that." Really, how is this different from any other Diablo-like? Second of all, ignore the Random Item Vendor. Like you said, everything costs a lot and I always found it more

    @the7k: Not that this has anything to do with the topic, but I want a console port of Red Earth sooo bad :) #newsupermariobroswii

    Wait, didn't they categorically say that L4D2 wouldn't be censored in any way in Australia? Liars. #left4dead2

    @hismastersvoice: You assume incorrectly, look at the forum thread.

    Its funny how everyone forgets that the 360 also had a price cut immediately after.

    Such a classic, I used to play it tons on C64.

    @Handsome Al: Probably not, they'd have to get the license to use the property again, not worth it for a budget title.