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    @WhiteMage: That's not the censored one, that's the original US version.

    I hope this comes out for PS2 also.

    So your only complaint is that it's too hard? What has happened to gamers today?

    But can a CAVEMAN do it?

    Darn, iPhone gets all the classy apps.

    Just what I needed, a nice halo to go with my White Knight Armor (TM).

    Well I wouldn't exactly call it a 'flood', but it's a start. Now I wonder how long it will take for them to get titles up there that people really want.

    @zgreenwell: I think Marvel Ultimate Alliance was on PS3, but it ran pretty atrociously.

    @AnimaOnline: Lowest common demominator? More like larger installed user base. It just makes sense from a business standpoint.

    @Kenlars: If it really runs that badly on the PS3 hardware as it is, do you REALLY want to see it try to run in 1080p?

    Well at least we didn't get another picture of him. I wish the moon would appear and eclipse his face wherever it appears.

    @togovero: Yeah, they didn't even change the speech sample, they just cut of the very end of it in hopes that somebody hears 'car' instead of 'god'.

    The voice acting made me laugh heartily. Anyway, can't see what difference it makes one way or the other. Is it going to affect your enjoyment of the game at all? Damn... I mean No!

    Disgusting comments, as per usual. And don't give me any 'This is the internet' bullshit, you're still a bunch of misogynistic assgerbils.

    @hippo24: $20? You big spender, you.

    Well that's.... small :\