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    @BeerManMike: Jeez, who crapped in your Cheerios?

    Oh good just what XBLA needs, a licensed Tower Defense clone. What happened to MS supposedly clamping down on crap indie releases?

    The Penguin has never been incarcerated in Arkham, ditto for Ra's al Ghul, so I don't know what they're thinking there.... and the inclusion of Blue Beetle is just weird.

    @diangelo: He is a guy with an awesome slime shirt, that is enough.

    @spannu: Honestly, it wasn't really funny then, and its less funny now.

    Sega Channel was so awesome. Those were good times.

    @Witzbold: Oh come on, Super Famicom games had an SRP of 9800 yen :D

    Ah, Ghostbuster still selling nicely. SCREW YOU ACTIVISION!

    @Kitsune Sniper: We did get at least a couple of the collections.

    Where's my Sweet Home wallpapers?!


    @VirgoKnight: Itsnot the color of the cart, its the fact that only 11 are known to exist.

    @kyosen: Why, there are already plenty of single-player sandbox games out there.

    @Ashurahori: Correction, the US gets part of it for free.

    @Thomaticus: Let's not give Sony the idea they had years ago?

    @MDX: Well I wouldn't be surprised to see an expansion for the PS3 version then.

    @MDX: Its aleady on PS3 sooo...

    @Oyn: Boo for double-posting :<

    I like how they *conveniently* forgot that they ever made Beyond Divinity.