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    @lllusionx: Metal Gear Online had a smooth launch? Riiiight.

    @lllusionx: Might want to read the post. THQ is not asking for money.

    Yeah, I think being able to patch the game and user-created content sort of makes the concept of a separate sequel irrelevant.

    @J.Bourne: They've been in every Fallout game.

    @lllusionx: Seriously, do you do anything but troll 360 posts?

    I didn't think Spider-Man: Web of Shadows was supposed to be out either. Hmmmm.

    I'm awfully tempted to get this, but on the other hand I'm afraid lots of sales will encourage EA to run this franchise into the ground. Not that they really need much encouragement.

    Siouxsie in Rock Band is most surprising, to bad Cities in Dust didn't make it, its one of my favorite songs of theirs.

    Come on, the companion cube/portal jokes are so last year.

    I've pretty much stopped caring, I already own enough versions of SFII.

    Japan sure has some disgusting shit.

    @Ashurahori: Because then you can't read read the code when its in the drive?

    Now, if we can only get Treasure to remake Silhouette Mirage...

    Oh, quit yer bitching. At least you could afford it :(

    I like the positioning of that Big Daddy's drill.

    To be fair, piccolo is green, but its a combination of lighting and using a pale, sickly green.

    Sounds like an interesting concept for a game.

    For a sec I was like, "Why is the guy from Splatterhouse there?