
I feel like he sees not voting for him/liking him as disobedience, and that he cannot have. We must all submit to His Greatness. This is exactly the sort of personality we can’t have in a leader.

Weird that if HC orchestrated “millions” of illegal votes, she had them recorded in states where they could do her no good.

In fact, let’s try it all again. I’m sure he’ll still win, given his performance in the last few weeks.

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

Is anyone here still hoping for the results to be overturned? I feel like it’s foolish after all that’s happened, but there’s a little seed in me that whispers “maybe”, and I don’t quite know what to do with it.

I know in my logical place that there is no hope here but I’m still in the painful stage of grief from this election (as in sick to my stomach on a daily basis) and I know this will ultimately lead to more pain because I dared but hope but shit man, am I hoping.

So , safe bet that Trumps safe room is still his gold tualet.

I suppose killing our national education system is one way they’ve figured out how to ensure a healthy supply of future Republican voters...

DO IT. If Secretary Clinton’s campaign put up a Go Fund Me to pay for the costs involved, I’m sure they’d be funded by morning.

If there is ANY chance she could win, then she owes it to the world to try.

I thought it was only us whiny millennials who wanted participation trophies!?!?! That’s what all the old assholes keep screaming about!

“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! *runs into bedroom, slams door, cranks up music*

Hey, but at least we kept that bitch Killary outta office, amirite folks?

Step 1 in delegitimizing real investigative reporting. He knows that smaller papers take note of what bigger papers cover and respond to. If he makes the NY Times seem like a tabloid he can then make the National Enquirer seem legit. Who knew you could be a dissident just by subscribing to a big newspaper (which I

Because the terrorists hate freedom fries.

I like all of this.

I read that too quickly and thought you were wishing people deep dish. Which I wouldn’t mind.

Economic anxiety tho.

Time 3: When the MIB shot Maeve and her child

Starred but also *vomit*