O Yeller King

I guess sometimes it's true, you are what you do.
She deals in manure, eh?

*grabs hammer*

It's been two years and scientists still haven't been able to figure out what the so-called Alien megastructure is. Just saying.

Hint: one expert's name rhymes with phal-ex bones.

This sounds like an exotic
Corey Feldman Angel party

At least our pence are limited to the mill, and not Vice President of your country.

Don't do it CineCraft! It's nothing but empty carbs and empty clowns!

Only when it doesn't brush after drinking coffee

He kind of got to that with Battlestar Galactica: Razor starring Ensign Ro

Did they bring Troy Duffy in to run things?

Check your beard.

You get a red shirt and you get a red shirt and YOU get a red shirt.

CBS suits not letting the creatives do their thing.

True. Unless they went multi-generational

I make these sounds every night without a device. Thanks sleep apnea!

A very dry one.

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself cosplay Hank Williams Jr

One of the Hudson Brothers spawned Kate Hudson.
Don't know if they ever had a hit.
Don't WANT to know if they ever had a hit.

Ares? I feel line we've been
cheetah-ed out of a good villain.

Don't worry. That's exactly how Duffy will spend the $600