
just 'cause the promote button wasn't working.

Congratulations, Charlie Jane!

Depends. Do you plan on staying on the pill most of the time you're with him or not? Also, bear in mind that your hormones will shift up again at menopause. Not sure if any research has been done on this, but I'd be curious what effects that has.

Vanity Fair did a happy happy photo shoot of the Hunger Games cast? seriously. this may leave me more speechless than the idea of a watered down, derivative tv show.

So, I lack an ereader, but I'll be buying his stuff in hard copy in support (and sending more money to PP, which provides crucial health services for women who need them). He'd been on my list of authors to try, and has just moved to the top.

Where's the image from?

It's a lovely picture, isn't it?

Thank you for this. It's made all of today's procrastination completely worthwhile.

The hilly walking this would have saved me when I lived in Russian Hill and Pacific Heights!

Are these new or reprints or both? Palimpsest is, after all, a novel. Is this the short story it sprung from?

Didn't you know? Humanity=white dudes from the United States

So, I am bound to be completely and utterly disappointed here, but I'm hoping hoping hoping for a Rumplestiltskin storyline that takes into account Jane Yolen's essay on the anti-semitism inherent in the Rumplestiltskin stories. Because that both did and did not make me look at the fairy tales in a whole new way (I

Evil email hoaxes aside, the image at the top of this is fantastic.

Eyes without a faaace. Oh, wait, no. This is the other way around.

Oh, nooo! I know she wasn't well, but I'm still shattered. She's been one of my favorite writers since I read "When it Changed" in Again, Dangerous Visions as a young teen. Recently, I've been reading her essays—To Write Like a Woman is right here next to me on the floor. Her criticism is both brilliant and

I submit that Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions should be on this list. And required reading for all in the sciences.

Like many here, Sarah Jane was THE companion when I was a kid watching Dr. Who late at night on PBS (as we Americans had to do back in the dark ages). I was thrilled when Elisabeth Sladen came back as Sarah Jane on New Who, and then got a show of her own, which quickly became a modern classic. We've lost a terrific

yes. it's science fiction of the alternate history sort, written with the intent of telling truths about the USSR. But no, none of the things in it actually happened. Episodes like Komarov's, and the controversy around it, are what led Pelevin to write it

Fascinating stuff. Thanks for doing the research so we don't have to, Annalee. For my part, I was having trouble picturing Kosygin crying, but otherwise found the story credible enough (must have glossed over about the video phone bit). Regardless, the cosmonauts were awesome. And heroic.

Condoms are your friends.