
@Spacegirl goes home: Why a job and a car? I mean, do you live somewhere public transport doesn't work? And haven't most people been unemployed once or twice in their lives (or been in school, or whatever else?)

I'm flabbergasted! What a plot twist! I, for one, was sure Libbie would marry the dentist. Or perhaps that grandma would.

Beauty is really within. That's why you need a scalpel to get it out.

As long as we're talking linguistics, it's, like, "to wit," not "to whit." This has been a public service announcement. Like.

Not all kinds of sex increase pregnancy chances... Just sayin'

Well, then there's the pesky anti-semitism in his public statements and the misogyny that's prevalent in his adult works. None of which precludes continued enjoyment of Matilda, the BFG, and so forth. Just worth noting and remembering before the drool over the man gets too thick.

Oh, and since I'm here, as for me, I do think it is the "right" thing to do to report assaults, and I also totally get why people don't do it. My experience reporting ANY sort of crime is that the criminals tend to get away with it, which sucks, from which I conclude that we evidently need justice system reform. But

@Anna: In re the banning of embobly. ya know, she wasn't really tactful/understanding about it, but she (I'm assuming, maybe he) was making a point, and I've seen nastier things said on these boards without banning. I don't comment much here, but it just seems over the top to ban her. What did she do? She

@ronaldpagan: Fanya is a Russian revolutionary who gets pissed off at Lenin for not following through on the revolution once in power and shoots him. Really. Google Fanny Kaplan.