
Don’t say sorry when you’re not.
God doesn’t like lies. 


Buy More Warranty

I don’t want to think about how much those pads/rotors cost. 

Holding out for the recycled cotton ball composite injected with helium.
2029, Don’t Even Bother Asking About It.
Already Sold Out

And the SKY is also BLUE


may offer a “builder’s kit” that consists of hard parts and electrical components to assist customers with building their own ultimate track Z car.”

So basically we’re gonna start selling performance parts to our customers.

Local county Sheriff stopped to ask for help,
didn’t get caught

I once used Autozone spacers on a car with Lug Bolts and proceeded to smoke weed and go to Whataburger. Wheel Fell off when I got into the parking lot.

Yay or Neigh on this one folks?

I like the way the guy in the car stumbles out dizzily after crashing into the wall at a VERY speedy 2.74 mph. 

Did anyone else think it was a 2 series at first glance? 

I’m sorry but

This is stupid

No “redneck” could lay down tight rivets that clean

Chances are if you have to “leave” anywhere early, you can’t afford this car. 

Holy shit guys we’re ACTUALLY in the future

>to help save their plummeting stock prices

Looks bichin 

Congratulations my friends;
You and I get to witness America return to an Isolationist country- this time with economic and military control over pretty much the entire developed world.
Grab some popcorn.

(Or it could backfire horribly)