Gonzalo Oxenford

I always wanted you to keep working at Apple. Or giving advice to them, by giving your thoughts on their products. Would you like to do it?

Is there anything you'd like to change in the current iPhone?

Do the TSA guys realize that you changed the World by co-founding Apple?

iPad retina please

I've been reading since 2003. Happy birthday!

Cause he loves the platform? cause it's way simpler to develop for? cause he's already millionaire with iOS?

Make the Gizmodo app, with all the UI elements pre-loaded. Make it FAST. You can re-use all the code+UI for each Gawker app. Please do it.

Is there a way to promote your comment? You should send an email to Tim Cook telling this. It's a Nexus 7 killer, even at $300.-

Just went to the Corning site. It's strange that there's no Apple product under the "products with gorilla glass" in their page. Steve Jobs himself had to convince Corning CEO to start building the gorilla glass again. The guy from Corning said, "no way, it's impossible." Then Steve used his Reality Distortion Field

The ppi effect on the retina depends on how far away do you place the display from your eyes. The smaller the device, the closer to your eyes. That's why a small phone needs much higher ppi than a 15,4" Macbook Pro "retina" computer. So the iPad not only has 768 more pixels horizontally, it's bigger, hence you'll put

Just checked Fortune, it was iOS 5.

Jesus, was this test done with iOS 5 or 6 beta?

It's a mix of fashion with practicality. Sometimes you can be seated in a chair with your smartphone in your jeans' pocket. Instead if making a strange maneuver to take the phone out, you just make a minimal movement and see the time.

It's looks like a $1000+ Bang & Olufsen product. But even at $300, it's a lot of money. May be it's because it's Made in USA?

But the worst problem is that the Facebook app doesn't allow you to share other's posts. My mother always asks me about this, and frankly, I don't know what to tell her. Zuck, if you happen to read this, could you please explain it?

If this was presented by Apple, the last sentence would have been: "It's $299, and it's available... TODAY".

I love print. Once I printed a 3 meter long photograph. It was expensive, sure; but it changes everything as it turns pictures into actual things, made by atoms. Things you can touch. I miss my Polaroid Land camera. I'd love this one to have social network output too. It would allow you to share what you shots on

Very nice video!


I care more about the fact that it has no fences than to know it's exact location. Why on earth it has no fence?