Gonzalo Oxenford

Apple doesn't care about what you personally prefer. iOS is the future. As multitouch is. Hardware will disappear. If you like going to the beach with a heavy truck go ahead, but most people will go using a cabriolet.

hahaha! I love caveman stuff, so sure, label welcome!

"the United States scientific community works and communicates almost exclusively in metric units."

If you just quote fragments of what I wrote, then of course I can sound like and idiot.

Exactly. I agree with everything you said. But it's funny that a so technically and economically advanced country keeps using "feet" as a measure. They compare the size of a part of their bodies in order to measure things. It's a caveman technique used by the most advanced county. That's funny.

I don't have an anti-american sentiment at all. I've been there a lot and I make my living selling apps basically to the american people. I admire a lot of aspects of their society. And I wish my society was as theirs in many ways. That doesn't mean that I can't be a bit sarcastic with some aspects of their culture.

What I mean is: A Billion is not the same out side "America". So you sometimes need to understand that you don't live alone on the Earth. But as 100,000 Million means the same worldwide, then @Jesus Diaz wrote it in a more international way.

NASA (the guys from your country that happen to do some hyper difficult things, like sending a man to the moon in the 60s) use the metric system (Planet Earth's way) to do rocket science. So the people in your country that really needs to measure things in the best possible way, do it our way.

Why there are so many comments trying to tell Jesus that it's 100 Billion, when he actually wrote so? 100,000 Million = 100 Billion. That's because you (americans) are not used to the metric system so you are not used to simple unit conversions? See, in the rest of the world: 1 meter = 100 cm = 0.001 Km = 1,000 mm.

Jesus, hardware has to disappear. I know you know it. It took 30 years to get rid of the mouse and keyboard. 2 more years to get rid of pixels with the retina concept on the iPhone. So conceptually having a screen with no visible pixels in it is fantastic. Now days, you might see it as obvious path after the iPhone

When you see Woz and you see Jobs. You understand why Apple is that special.

hahaha, my brains wanted to write "thick", but my hands didn't do that, apparently.

I want the New iPhone (yes the one they are going to release after the 4S) to be thinker by holding a bigger long lasting battery.

the space part is terrifying.

I clicked on the article cause I liked the woman on the photograph. I'm an asshole.

I assume Apple is not that stupid to put the same iPad 2 tech do drive 4 times the amount of pixels. I just care about reading on a device without noticing that the text I'm reading is composed by pixels. The best thing about technology is when it disappears. That's something beautiful. And that's an appreciation of

cause tech is not (only) about specs. It's about some conceptual things you don't seem to really understand. But I hope this words by Ben Shneiderman may illuminate you a little bit: "The old computing is about what computers can do, the new computing is about what people can do."

Who cares? It just works. Do you really care about your microwave CPU clock cycle?

So Apps will be called "XXXX HD HD" if they are for the iPad HD? Why don't they just call it iPad. As the MacBook Air, the iMac, the Mac Pro, and the Macbook Pro. Just by their names.

I'm pretty sure they will add Siri to it's final release by WWDC time.