
To the extent that every character in that movie is underdeveloped (the big flaw about that movie: they should've cut the fat and have a smaller crew) from the moment they wake up they are sort-of the frat boys of the ship, with Charlie Day Scientist constantly trying to impress Red Hedead Scientist. To that extent,

Everyone points to that scene as proof of the stupidity of scientists in Prometheus, but it's not really representative. The character has been established as a dangerous knucklehead, and that kind of recklesness and self destructive beahviour were completely on character.



I'm actually hoping for a somehow positive, weird review by Vishnevetsky. He's refreshingly independent from the internet echo chamber, and I tend to agree with him.

Tht's definitively a movie that has so much going on besides the twist that it really doesen't matter if you know it or not. And even more so, there's a trade between loosing the shock of discovering the truth with the protagonist and knowing it all along and following the story wuith that ticking clock constantly

Except it was not made by the same people. Airplane II (a sequel I actually like very much, no in small part because the space setting is absolutely ridiculous and a springboard for completely different gags) was written and directed by Ken Finkelman, director of the infamous Grease 2 on one side and

Neither the movie or the comic managed to close the story in any satisfying way. Both hinted at it: nega scott. He was a dick and he had to be held account, and that seemed to be the point of his backstory with Kim, but that went nowhere. In the end both the comics and the movie went into the end with a surface

He seems to search for the show along the way, wich is a great way to grow a series organically (without that openness to chance we wouldn't have Anya) but requires patience and time, and I don't think the current tv landscape admits that. Firefly seemed like a premise that he had digested for years, therefore it came

…and Fillion, Torres, Lachman, Glau, Stewart Head…

I think requiem for a dream wins the mood killing soundtrack (or movie, really) prize.

Any disturbing practice you can imagine, Nic Cage has been there before:

Aren't all boners technically pavlovian?

But the only songs left on the lists were "Rape Me" or the early hit by The Ronettes "No Means Yes"!

I consider your points to be an exceeding waste of intelectual resources to respond to either a conscious troll or a very disturbed and misinformed individual. To think what you could accomplished in the minutes it took you to compose that post! The diseases you could have cured! The inventions you could've concieved!

An absolutely binge-worthy show that ended this year: Spartacus, one of the best melodramas in the history of the medium and one that benefits enormously from the accumulated emotion of marathoning it.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Not Great, Low Winter Sun!

What ain't?

And then tell the pres that he didn't understood what his character has to do with the rest of the movie, but Terry's a genius, you know?

Elitist Trash , but Futurama did that on purpose, therefore it doesen't matter because they decided it doesen't matter.
While I wholeheartedly agree wth your disdain of plot (the internet has become a game of Winning the Plot with garbage like "Whats wrong with Yaddda Yadda in five minutes" youtube videos instead of