
I get the analogy, but there's a big difference in pace and content; one thing is waiting a week for another hour of TV (and even the sloooowerrrr dramas offer a considerable amount of story and/or character in that time) and another is waiting a month for 21 pages that can tell something or be mostly filler depending

I loved it, but wether you liked it or not putting it in a "Worst of" list (especially in a big outlet like Time or the Village) ends up as an indictment of ambition. You can say anyting about the quality of the movie, but you can't deny its balls.

Winterbottom never lost it, it's more like he's constantly looking for it and sometimes finding it.

The PG 13 allows for one "fuck" as long as it's not in a sexual context. Since the hipothetical mother would be hipothetically fucked in a hipothetically sexual way, it's not allowed.

What about Cool Stylistic Wank?

What about Cool Stylistic Wank?