
Now I have to move to England to get my Masterpiece fix, and they're almost doing as badly as the U.S. right now.

Chinese Platypus Trap?

And cats have Nine Lives with Kevin Spacey, but dogs only get Josh Gad.

This film deserves to be nominated for Best Original Score- that music is wonderful.

It is rated PG, but it's probably more an "inoffensive" movie than a "family" movie.

It already took a $115 million write off.

Are you embarrassed of a past project? (e.g. doing something bad "just for the paycheck?"

That's not nice.

It actually comes out this year in England, and I'm waiting for the reviews to pour in- an embargo has apparently been lifted.

And CBS is coming out with Candy Crush: The Game Show.

If you watch it on your phone, it actually fits vertically. That's the cleverest thing about this movie so far.

Not all humanity- just the kind that reads AVC.

Why does the Little Caesar's mascot have two pizza boxes?
Because he et tu.

Ghostbusters didn't end up on the worst movies list. I am happy for humanity again.

Parks and Rec. I am attempting to set the record for the number of times to recommend Parks and Rec on the internet. I know it's on Netflix, and it has 125 episode between 2009-2015.

Parks and Recreation. Just real people in a real town with real feelings. And yes, the town has feelings.

Isn't it 11:00? According to the website

It even rhymes.

Your way's better- I was rushing.

Swiss Army Man for best score. Please.